
High-Power Fiber Laser/Amplifier Modeling & Simulation





This project will be on modeling high-power fiber lasers/amplifiers. Specifically, the goal is to develop techniques for overcoming nonlinear and thermal effects that inhibit scaling to higher output powers while maintaining good beam quality, and usually narrow linewidth. One method for achieving this goal is through novel fiber designs, which may suppress deleterious processes that occur at high powers in the fibers, but are also complex and challenging to model on a computer. Through this modeling effort various fiber laser/amplifier configurations will be explored in order to optimize the output.

Organization: Scholars

working and learning something new every day

Jacob Robert Grosek



Jacob Robert Grosek

I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and camping. I have an associate degree in Engineering Science (Broome Community College), two bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Physics (University of Utah), and a master's degree and a PhD in Applied Mathematics (University of Washington). Since graduating I've been working in the Directed Energy Directorate at the Air Force Research Laboratory. I also volunteer with the AFRL NM STEM Outreach program, which offers fun and challenging science projects to local students in the Albuquerque and larger New Mexico area.

Qualifications and Eligibility

Below is a summary of the desired background for the position, and any general requirements. Additional detail may be found in the application.

About the partner

Universities Space Research Association (USRA) administers a three-pronged approach to strengthening the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce pipeline that includes: the AFRL Scholars Program, AFRL Scholars Professionals, and the University Research and Engagement Program (UREP). This portfolio of enriching programs aligns directly with the Federal STEM Strategy and Department of Defense (DoD) STEM mission for the U.S. Department of the Air Force by offering immersive project-based learning opportunities for students and postdoctoral fellows.

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